Sunday, December 19, 2010

其他注释 Others Note

虎尾兰,又名虎皮兰、锦兰,为龙舌兰科、虎尾兰属植物,变种有金边虎尾兰、银脉虎尾兰。地下茎无枝,叶簇生,下部筒形,中上部扁平,剑叶刚直立,株高 50 厘米至 70 厘米,叶宽 3 厘米至 5 厘米,叶全缘,表面乳白、淡黄、深绿相间,呈横带斑纹。金边虎尾兰叶缘金黄色,宽 1 厘米至 1.6 厘米。银脉虎尾兰,表面具纵向银白色条纹。家庭盆栽管理得好,全株叶片高 1.2 米以上。花从根茎单生抽出,总状花序,花淡白、浅绿色, 3 朵至 5 朵一束,着生在花序轴上。





Plant Profile
S. cylindrica has striped, round leaves that are smooth and a green-gray color. A single leaf is about 3 cm (1 in) thick and grows to a height between 1 m (3 ft) and 2 m (7 ft).[1] The Spear Sansevieria grows fan-shaped, with its stiff leaves growing from a basal rosette. The species is interesting in having rounded instead of strap-shaped leaves caused by a failure to express genes which would cause the cylindrical bud to differentiate dorsoventrally or produce a distinctive and familiar top and bottom surface to the leaf blade.  The plant blooms once a year in the spring or mid-summer ,  producing 3 cm (1 in) greenish-white tubular flowers tinged with pink.   The species is drought-tolerant and in captivity needs water only about once every other week during the breeding season .  The species was described by Wenceslas Bojer in 1837. Sansevieria cylindrica received its name from a competition in a Dutch national newspaper.   It is popular as an ornamental plant as it is easy to culture and take care of in a home.

If you are looking for a unique plant to transform your home and garden, you can try this beautiful and stunning species: Sansevieria cylindrica “Skyline.” Without having to sacrifice beauty, this succulent is versatile enough to thrive indoors or outdoors with low maintenance. This species is from Angola and belongs to the Dracaenaceae family, or dragon tree family. There are about 120 species described in the genus, the majority of which are mainly distributed in Central Africa and Southeast Asia.

Deriving its name from a competition in a Dutch national newspaper, Sansevieria cylindrica has green-grey leaves, which are striped and smooth, exuding a combination of modernity and simplicity. For a novice or a plant expert, this trendy succulent stands out as a wonderful conversation piece in your landscape. Each leaf is about 1.2 inches thick and can reach a height between 2 to 5 feet.

Typically, the Sansevieria cylindrica also known as “Spear Sansevieria,” is used as an ornamental plant for its unique and exotic looking features. It grows as a fan shaped succulent; the stiff leaves grow upright from a basal rosette. What differentiates the Sansevieria cylindrica from other varieties is the cylindrial nature of the leaf, caused by a suppression of dorsi-ventral symmetry. The "precursor tip" produced during the developing stages of the leaf enlarges without breaking radial symmetry (Cal’s Plant of the Week, Cal Lemke. University of Okalahoma Department of Botany and
Microbiology. 9 October 1998.

Being versatile and low-maintenance, the Sansevieria cylindrica only needs watering about once or twice a month during the warmer climates, and less frequently indoors as a houseplant. It thrives best with little water and at room temperature. A general rule of thumb is that succulents require less water than many traditional houseplants that you find at garden centers and grocery stores. If in doubt whether the soil is dry, refrain from watering. The best way to determine whether the Sansevieria cylindrica needs water is to provide moisture when the top 1/2 inch of soil feels dry to the finger. The soil should be thoroughly moist at each watering, and allowed to dry before water is added again. Some gardeners use moisture meters to determine how dry or wet the compost is. When using a moisture meter, be sure to water when the meter indicates the plant is dry. One of the most important considerations in watering a Sansevieria cylindrica is to never let the container stand in water. Moreover, to preserve its beautiful green-grey stems and fan shape structure, you must protect the Sansevieria cylindrica from temperatures that are below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

To propagate this plant, first divide the rhizomes, which are thick rootstalks, by cutting them into about 3 to 4 inch sections. Prior to planting these sections in soil, allow the offsets to dry for about 1-2 days. Then replant each section in a well-drainage mixture that contains potting mix, pumice, and coarse sand. Allow the offsets to settle in the soil before watering.

The distinctive qualities of the Sansevieria cylindrica make it a dramatic plant with its perfect sculptural shape and size. Adding to its unique beauty, the plant blooms greenish-white tubular flowers about once a year. Although Sansevierias are not predominantly grown for their flowers, they have a lovely fragrance. With its striking appearance and low-maintenance culture, the Sansevieria cylindrica is the perfect solution to creating a beautiful atmosphere for your home garden.

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